HB Tennis Club focuses on four main activities:

1/Skill Development

Tennis players of all levels always have a need to improve their skills. Benefits, both tangible and intangible, will come to those who volunteer to help others. First, you will have many days of elevated mood when your team wins, as some match victories might come directly from the technical improvements that your teammates learn from you. Second, when it's time to apply for colleges, your kindness will get noticed by admissions officers. What would tip the scale in your favor is that you were not passive in your school's rise--you acted to help make it happen!

In the bestseller book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, author Stephen Covey emphasizes "sense of purpose" - an intention to achieve a long-term goal that's both personally meaningful and makes something bigger than yourself. That sense of purpose is our school's tennis ranking. Once you do this, you will be accustomed to a sense of purpose in whatever you do later in life. And that is a recipe for greatness.


Technical assistance can give results only when players practice frequently. Unfortunately, many of us don't have a sibling or a teammate to practice with on a regular basis. HB Tennis Club aims to solve this problem by having frequent gatherings on court. We foster a fun environment so that after we leave school, the teammate bond will last.

3/Recruitment of Non-Tennis Players

Never too late to start this sport.
We have seen players who had played tennis for just one year get admitted into Junior Varsity. So it is very possible for a freshman to start tennis lessons and get admitted into Varsity in the junior year. Therefore, we encourage club members to be ambassadors for our school's tennis program. More players signing up means bigger pool of talent.

4/Management Practice

We create opportunities for members to practice management skills such as public speaking, planning, problem solving, innovation, group discussion.


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